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Forside / News / Celebrates Bull in Egypt

Celebrates Bull in Egypt

Geir Botnen and Lars-Erik ter Jung follow in Ole Bull's footsteps and travel to Egypt to perform several concerts.

Celebrates Bull in Egypt

Geir Botnen og Lars-Erik ter Jung (picture) celebrates Ole Bull in Egypt.

They do not follow the footsteps to the top of the Great Pyramid of Giza, where Ole Bull played "The Herd-girls' Sunday " on his 66 birthday, 5th February 1866. The Norwegian musician duo will play the same composition, but in other and perhaps safer places than on the top of the famous pyramid.

Opera and the world library
Lars-Erik ter Jung will be the conductor of the Cairo Symphony Orchestra in the city's Opera House on 30th October. Geir Botnen will be the soloist and pianist. The program includes several compositions by Ole Bull and other Norwegian composers. Then they will travel to Alexandria where they will hold a concert for piano and violin in the city's famous library on 31th October. On Tuesday 2 November they will repeat the program in Cairo. Violinist this time will be Lars-Erik ter Jung.

sist endret 27.10.2010 - 09:55