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I now send you [..], a bull and heifer of the “shoroughbreed short horned Durham Cattle.” [..] because of your liberal sentiments upon the rights of man, and your noble efforts to plant a colony in our land.

– Cassius Marcellus Clay


Home / News / Digital Collections on Internet
Jan 06, 2010

Digital Collections on Internet

Throughout the Ole Bull bicentennial year, Bergen Public Library will continue documenting Bull’s artistic life.

Bergen Public Library commemorates the Bull bicentennial with special exhibitions on Internet and in the library itself.

Several years ago the library’s music department started scanning in known Bull documents from various institutions. Note manuscripts, letters, photos and printed publications are now available via the library’s webpages at and via the bicentennial website (

The library’s local history department will focus on Ole Bull’s local status; his enormous popularity as a musician, theatre builder and cultural celebrity. The music department will continue documenting and mediating Bull’s musical legacy through physical and virtual presentations.

Bergen Public Library shares in the responsibility of developing, running and producing content for

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last modified Mar 30, 2010 11:39 AM