Ole Bull-Ball
You are all invited to celebrate Ole Bull at a free ´Ole Bull-Ball´ in Bergen, Saturday 5 June.
The Norwegian group ´Datarock´ are among the performing artists at the ´Ole Bull-Ball´, Saturday 5 June. (photo: datarockmusic.com)
Bergen International Festival and Ole Bull 2010 celebrates Ole Bull with a free “Ole Bull-Ball” at Festplassen-square in Bergen, Saturday 5 June.
Join us at the ´Ole Bull-ball´ where everyone is invited to take part at the 200-years birthday-celebration! Free admission.
The `Ole Bull-Ball´ starts at 4 PM and ends with dancing from 22:00.
4 PM
- Frikar!
Folk dance-group ´Frikar´ will dance down the wall at the Town Hall in Bergen.
- ´Breakneck - virtuoso musical races´
The Bergen International Festival has challenged the multi-speed instrumentalist Stian Carstensen of Farmers Market and the virtuoso violinist Arve Tellefsen to a real showdown.
- ´Dancing in Bergen!´
Premiere of a dance performance where 250 children will perform.
6 PM
In memory of the popular Norwegian artist and author/musician Gustav Lorentzen, different Norwegian artists will perform some of his well-known songs.
- Øystein Dolmen: Juba Juba
- Ulf Risnes: Kanskje kommer Kongen?
- Morten Abel: Hallo Hallo
- Marit Voldsæter: Eg ve te Bergen
- Julian Berntzen: Matpakkevise
- Nathalie Nordnes: Bestefar skal ut og fri
- William Hut: Knutsens drøm
- Datarock v/Fredrik Saroea: Inni en sekk
- Frank Hammersland: God morgen Norge
- Kakkmaddafakka v/Axel Vindenes: Ku i tunellen
- Mathias Telles: Bestefarvise
- Trond Viggo Torgersen: Hadet på badet?
- Arve Tellefsen: Eventyret om en melodi
7.30 PM
-´Polka-Bjørn and Kleineheine´
This is a Norwegian cover band playing songs they find on youtube. It is mainly yodling, but also funeral songs, throat singing and Ricky Nelson.
- ´Katzenjammer´
Katzenjammers's musical underground cultus is conjured up through instruments like the accordian, mandolin, guitar, piano, balaika bass, xylophone, trumpet, kazoo, melodica, drums and banjo just to name a few- all played with fire in the belly, fever in the fingers, heart and throat. And then there are voices. The voices, my dear friends, are the brushstrokes on the night sky where you dance your wildest dance in your fanciest clothes.
9.20 PM
Dance Dance Dance!
- ´Bergen Big Band´ plays dance music.
Singers: Torhild Sivertsen and Egil Eldøen
Bergen Big Band, the regional big band for the west of Norway, has established itself as a big band of international calibre in collaboration with composers and arrangers from home and abroad. The Guardian review of the band’s recording with Karin Krogh referred to it as ‘the immaculate Bergen Big Band’