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He and his violin are one; one and inseparable. Perhaps his powers, on last night, were most completely manifested in his performance of Paganini´s Witch Dance.

– The Republican Banner and Nashville Whig


Home / News / Ole Bull in Burnaby
Mar 02, 2010

Ole Bull in Burnaby

Ole Bull´s bicentennial is to be commemorated in Canada too, a bit after his birthday and the Winter Olympics.

Ole Bull in Burnaby

The Scandinavian Community Centre in Burnaby, cel­e­brates the bicen­ten­nial of Ole Bull March 21. (picture from Google Maps)

Sunday, March 21, the Scandinavian Community Centre in

Burnaby, cel­e­brates the bicen­ten­nial of Ole Bull, the "Nor­we­gian Paganini", with the event "Teatime at Troldhaugen".

Music and Theater

Edvard and Nina Grieg (played by Don Mowatt and Car­olyn Fin­lay) will intro­duce their friend Ole, set­ting the scene for an evening of great Nor­we­gian music.

The creative director Don Mowatt is a well-known musical analyst for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (now retired). During the 1970s, he produced a series about Ole Bull for the CBC.

Other contributors are violinist Jin Kim, Bill Boyd on Hardangerfiddle, the sopranos Erika Olson and Deanna Lindzen, Janet Mowatt on piano, and the ensemble "Gammel Dansk".

The event starts at 7:00 PM. Admission $15 — Refresh­ments served.

About the center

The Scan­di­na­vian Com­mu­nity Cen­tre (SCC) is a meet­ing place for all Scan­di­na­vians, local and vis­it­ing, who strive to pre­serve and pro­mote Nordic cul­ture, com­mu­nity and spirit within the Greater Van­cou­ver area.

The centre is a place where young and old from all walks of life can visit to expe­ri­ence Scan­di­na­vian tra­di­tions, cul­ture and make friends for life. It is the only com­mu­nity cen­tre col­lec­tively oper­ated by all five Scan­di­na­vian nation­al­i­ties (includ­ing Ice­land).

For more information see website.

Adress: Scandinavian Community Centre, 6540 Thomas Street,   Burnaby, Canada

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last modified Jan 11, 2011 09:53 AM